About Us

To add value to your life we design innovative living spaces!

We are Ona İnşaat...

Our goal as Ona İnşaat is to always go one step further beyond construction. We determine the needs of the developing construction sector in the world and Turkey in advance and act by thinking one step ahead, not by the existing one, but by creating the trends. We carry out premium projects with the value we give to people. In every project that operates, we continue to develop living spaces where people will live happily and peacefully with the same passion today and tomorrow as we did yesterday. We are here to be the name of trust in Turkey on this path that is set out with the slogan of everything is for people.

Our Vision

While we increase living standards, we create projects regarding nature and human values. The most outstanding difference of ours is to create quality and safe projects as ONA İnşaat with our sound and thermal insulation sensitivity, ground improvements and by attaching importance on the framework in every project

Our Mission

To add permanent value to the society by working with a contemporary and dynamic understanding and by offering the best with the projects we develop.

Our Values

What we value most is human and we say everything is for people on the basis of this philosophy. Every brand stance is based on a philosophy in the context of marketing activities and positioning strategy. We position our philosophy on people and focusing on human happiness as our greatest value in each household we build.

Ferhat Bakgör

ONA İnşaat Chairman of the Executive Board

Ferhat Bakgör, Chairman of the Executive Board of ONA İnşaat, received his bachelor's degree in industrial engineering and completed his master's degree on "Automation and Robots" in Germany. Returning to Turkey in 2004, Bakgör started his career in the family company operating in the construction sector in Bursa. Ferhat Bakgör, by working in many different departments until 2013 and implementing many projects, has gained significant experience in the industry.

Over time, his interest in technology and his entrepreneurial spirit evolved into a desire to combine construction and informatics. In 2013, in order to combine these two sectors and to carry out premium works in boutique locations; has established ONA İnşaat, a construction company that can integrate technology and living spaces, of high quality, respectable, environmentally sensitive and visionery.